Access control involves regulating who should be granted access to facilities observed Bahaa Abdul Hadi. Physical places in a building needs to be protected to regulate access. Whether it is access to a building, office, a server room, document room, or any area access control is essential to ensure only those authorized get access. The best way to do this is following a system based on biometric patterns.

Biometrics and Physical Access Control

Access control to the physical infrastructure and environment of a place can be ensured through biometrics. It is a well-known fact that biometric characteristics of an individual like fingerprints and iris patterns are unique traits. It is possible to identify an individual through biometric patterns. This is why biometric patterns are the best system to use for access control.

In organizations, access to facilities need to be controlled. One way of doing it is by using security guards. But this is not a foolproof system. Access control through biometrics is a highly secure system for protecting physical places. Access to a building or a floor in the building can be done only to authorized people. Such a system helps protect key places like data centers, record rooms, etc.

Here is how biometrics can be used for physical access control:

  • Biometrics of all employees and authorized persons can be collected. A biometric scanner like fingerprint scanner or iris scanner or facial scanner can be used for this purpose. The organization can choose the biometric, which it feels is the most secure and appropriate.
  • Once the biometric data is collected, it is stored on a server securely. Software systems can then be used to decide who has access to different physical spaces in an organization.
  • The door to different areas can be locked with a biometric reader allowing access. A person who wants to enter a place can scan their fingerprint/iris/face using a scanner. The biometric pattern is then compared with the database to identify the person. If the person is authorized to access, then the lock opens else it stays closed.
  • The system can be made fool proof to prevent spoofing by implementing liveness detection to verify if a real person is accessing.


Access control to physical places can be easily managed through biometrics. It is one of the most secure system that is almost impossible to hack. It offers the best protection and is hence preferred by organizations across the world. With technological innovations, it is a fool-proof and reliable system for protecting physical places.

The blog has been written by Bahaa Abdul Hadi and has been published by the editorial board of Identity Herald. For more information, please visit