The author of this article is Bahaa Abdul Hadi. As an Identity Management expert, Bahaa Abdul Hadi always shares his experience on various platforms. This time he talks about how biometrics can transform the Retail Industry.
As a personal identification technology, biometrics can improve many components of the retail trade. From payments and advertising to analytics and security, the use of biometrics is capable of enhancing overall efficiency.
First, you must choose a biometric modality. Clearly, DNA and retina scans are not necessary for your retail operations. Instead, go for options like loyalty cards, facial recognition, fingerprint scans and more.
Customer Identification and Store Navigation
Using biometrics to identify customers can save a lot of time. It removes unnecessary formalities and the risk of losing any special identification means.
- Moreover, biometrics enhances privacy. Customers do not have to worry about sharing their email or phone number to show up on the record.
- For instance, facial recognition technology can identify a customer and bring up their records instantly.
- Similarly, after biometrics identifies a customer, it can show up the list of previously bought items. A customer can receive the list directly on their phone, along with the location of those products in the store.
Product Design and Retail Analytics
With the assistance of technologies like AI and 3D printing, biometrics can produce custom designed products. For example, biometrics can quickly scan your foot movements and behavior to suggest the best pair of shoes.
- Many online retailers are deploying technologies like Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. These features enable customers to get accurate measurements, ensuring a proper fit.
- In retail, products like custom accessories and designer apparel can greatly benefit from this.
- Biometrics can also offer precise analytics on customer preferences and behavior. A simple tool like a camera can record behavior patterns of a customer.
- It can answer questions like – where does the customer enter the store from or which aisle do they spend most of their time in.
Such insights will help you market certain products better.
Store Security Enhancement
Your retail store can also benefit from Biometrics in terms of security.
- The proper use of biometrics can allow you to control physical access. For instance, the admin offices in stores contain confidential information. By implementing biometrics, you restrict any unauthorized person from entering the site.
- This access control also applies to the storefront desk. Your systems contain valuable data on the products, sales and inventory. It is important to limit access to such information.
- A camera in collaboration with biometrics can also keep records of shoplifters. You can identify such individuals and prevent them from entering your store.
The article has been published by the editorial board of the Identity Herald and authored by Bahaa Abdul Hadi. For more information please visit